Nico Vascelari

*1974, Italy
lives and works in Rome, Italy


Biennale Gherdeina 6th reenacts Vascellari’s performative sculpture, I Hear A Shadow, conceived between 2009 and 2011 as an organic, visual and acoustic chamber of mystical experience. A monumental monolith, the bronze cast of the detonated top of a marble mountain occupies a major place of a twilight drama to come, accompanied by collages and slide projections that enhance a multi-sensory, almost psychedelic and kaleidoscopic effect. A series of collages develops the theme of a sunset and is intended as studies for the lighting of the sculpture; each collage is made from one magazine, in which the artist cuts each page to keep only the monochromatic areas, that generally correspond to the background of images. He then glues the pages, like as many sedimented landscapes, creating multi-layered and multi-colored abstract compositions from which silhouettes sometimes stand out. 160 slides reproducing the collages illuminate the monolith and activate it along with a quasi-shamanistic ritual, conducted by an artist in an almost trance-like, hallucinatory act which considers the mountain as a tribal instrument and transforms it into a resonance chamber. I Hear A Shadow is a search for a primeval language of the mountains, an uncanny excavation site of both natural history and human psyche.


Per la sesta edizione della Biennale Gherdeina, Vascellari ritorna con una scultura performativa, I Hear A Shadow, realizzata fra il 2009 e il 2011 e concepita come una camera acustica, visiva e organica di esperienze mistiche. L’opera, un monolite monumentale, riproduzione bronzea della cima esplosa di una montagna di marmo, incombe cupamente come un elemento drammatico sul futuro, ed è accompagnata da collage e diapositive che ne aumentano l’effetto multisensoriale, quasi psichedelico e caleidoscopico. Una serie di collage sviluppa il tema del tramonto, studi che sono serviti per l’illuminazione della scultura stessa; ogni collage è stato realizzato a partire da una rivista, dalla quale l’artista ha ritagliato via tutte le pagine, tenendo solo le parti monocromatiche, che di solito costituiscono gli sfondi delle immagini. Vascellari ha poi incollato le pagine, come fossero paesaggi sedimentati, andando a creare una composizione astratta su più livelli di vari colori, dalla quale emergono sporadicamente delle figure. 160 diapositive riproducono i collage, illuminando così il monolite e attivandolo in un rituale quasi sciamanico, portato avanti dall’artista in uno stato di trance, in un atto allucinatorio che considera la montagna come strumento tribale e la trasforma in una camera di risonanza. I Hear A Shadow costituisce la ricerca di un linguaggio primordiale proprio della montagna, una ricerca sconcertante sia sulla storia naturale che sulla psiche umana.


Biennale Gherdeina 6th reenacts Vascellari’s performative sculpture, I Hear A Shadow, conceived between 2009 and 2011 as an organic, visual and acoustic chamber of mystical experience. A monumental monolith, the bronze cast of the detonated top of a marble mountain occupies a major place of a twilight drama to come, accompanied by collages and slide projections that enhance a multi-sensory, almost psychedelic and kaleidoscopic effect. A series of collages develops the theme of a sunset and is intended as studies for the lighting of the sculpture; each collage is made from one magazine, in which the artist cuts each page to keep only the monochromatic areas, that generally correspond to the background of images. He then glues the pages, like as many sedimented landscapes, creating multi-layered and multi-colored abstract compositions from which silhouettes sometimes stand out. 160 slides reproducing the collages illuminate the monolith and activate it along with a quasi-shamanistic ritual, conducted by an artist in an almost trance-like, hallucinatory act which considers the mountain as a tribal instrument and transforms it into a resonance chamber. I Hear A Shadow is a search for a primeval language of the mountains, an uncanny excavation site of both natural history and human psyche.