Chris Gilmur

*1973, United Kingdom
lives and works in Udine, Italy


I imagined that I had found a number of crates containing archaeological findings that had perhaps been stolen away or survived some sort of natural disaster. You can just glimpse something coming out of the containers that recalls the iconography of St. George and the dragon; perhaps a work by an anonymous sculptor of the past, that has now been rediscovered and is waiting to be restored or taken to a new location.


Ho immaginato il ritrovamento di alcune casse contenenti materiali archeologici, sopravvissuti chissà a quale trafugamento o disastro naturale. Dai contenitori si intravede fuoriuscire qualcosa che ri-corda l’iconografia di San Giorgio e il drago; forse è l’opera realizzata da un anonimo scultore del passa-to, ora riscoperta e in attesa di un restauro o di essere trasportata in nuova collocazione.


Ich habe mir den Fund einiger Kisten ausgedacht, die archäologisches Material enthalten, das irgend-eine frühere Entwendung oder Naturkatastrophe überstanden hat. Man erblickt aus den Kisten her-austretend etwas, das an die Ikonografie vom Hei-ligen Georg mit dem Drachen erinnert. Vielleicht ist es das Werk eines unbekannten Bildhauers der Vergangenheit, das wiederentdeckt wurde und nun darauf wartet, restauriert und an einen neuen Ort ver-bracht zu werden.